Boost your Hyaluronic Acid with Salvia Haenkei

Boost your Hyaluronic Acid with Salvia Haenkei

Let's have a little bit of a chat about our new brand introduction, Profhilo Haenkenium, you heard right - it's a tongue twister for sure but let's delve deeper into what this wonderful formulation can do for your skin!

What is Profhilo Haenkenium?

Profhilo Haenkenium utilises a blend of multi-molecular Hyaluronic Acid and Salvia Haenkei. This serum aims to deliver a reduction in redness, wrinkle depth, elasticity, antioxidant protection and repair.

The Hyaluronic Acid complex combines a synergistic blend of both High molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid, which exerts a protective and barrier strengthening effect on the outer skin cells. Whilst the Low molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid (HA) works to impart optimal skin hydration within the lower layers of our skin cells (epidermis). Profhilo Haenkenium utilises a bio fermented version of the Hyaluronic Acid we all know and love - fermented skincare is all the range at the moment but it is important that it can deliver effective and safe results to the skin. Profhilo ensures they bio-ferment with a top-ranking and high quality Hyaluronic Acid and extraction process ensuring you skin get's exactly what it deserves - the very best.

What is Salvia Haenkei?

Now back onto the Salvia Haenkei, a.k.a Prawn Sage, which is a native Bolivian plant that has demonstrated scientific efficiency in providing antioxidant protection - through acting as a gerosupressant. Gerosuppressants help to prolong cell senescence, which is where our skin cells can no longer proliferate and produce healthy and vibrant skin cells, along with collagen and elastin. By suppressing and prolonging this process from ending, we are preventing a reduction in our skin's Hyaluronic Acid, collagen, elastin, glycosaminoglycans (GAGS, proteins necessary to build healthy skin and skin structures) by 50% just to name a few.

Provides Antioxidant effects and Prevents Premature Ageing

By reducing and capturing free radicals obtained from the sun, pollution and environmental factors before they can age and cause chaos within the skin, and a proven cause of premature aging in Australia.

Protects from Photoageing

Reduces the chance of our lovely skin cells dying under UV induced pressure.

Restores Barrier Function

Counteracts our skin's declining HA levels from chronological aging and environmental exposure, provides a protective film on the outer layer of the skin.

Alleviates Skin Irritation and Redness

Reduces redness and inflammation due to free-radical exposure from the sun and environmental factors, as well as reducing irritation post-procedure. This is very important as some HA's are known to be quite sensitising post-procedure and too acidic.

Improves Visible Signs of Ageing

Fills and diminishes facial wrinkles, improves elasticity and quality and improves firmness by drawing water to and assisting with improving the skins barrier-function, HA is known for absorbing 1000 times it's weight in water, and is used in skin care and dermal filler treatments to improve skin quality and boost hydration.

How to use Profhilo Haenkenium

Okay, now that we have the science all figured out, how can I use and integrate Profhilo Haenkenium into my current skin routine and what can it replace?

Profhilo Haenkenium takes place of your usual Hyaluronic Acid serum right before your moisturiser Ensure your skin is damp and always moisturise after using Hyaluronic Acid otherwise it will not work efficiently enough in our dry Australian climate. I recommend Profhilo Haenkenium for patients who have had previous sensitivity to other forms of HA serums in the past, as this is especially formulated to assist with skin irritation and redness.

I hope this explains the wonderful world of Profhilo Haenkenium and how it can bring about an immense benefit in our harsh Australian climate.



Written by Alara Wierzbinski, Skin Therapist

A qualified Dermal Clinician who is incredibly passionate about taking a holistic and patient-centric approach to advanced skin therapies, skin and skin conditions. Alara is well versed in the nuances of why people seek cosmetic skin treatments and pays great respect to beauty being more than just skin deep.

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